Yes, it is five years and going strong. But not living strong like those cheap yellow bracelets. Remember those? What ever happened to that trend? I am referring to my journey into the world of blogging. It all started in
12 March 2005. And what a lovely 5 years it has been. I feel like an auspicious event like this should have some sort of best of, or some sort of favorite commentator award... but I got nothin'. I was looking back over the old blog and seeing how much my perspective has changed since I began this blogging adventure. I've grown a little older, a smidgen wiser (but I must admit, I felt pretty wise when I started this thing), but have decided that I am not a cynic, I'm a realist. Ah, the enlightenment that comes after five narcissistic years of throwing out my mundane thoughts to the world. And by world, I mean CPR's two regular readers.
I'm glad Holly told me about your blog.
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