One World....

A friend of mine recently embraced vegetarianism. I have nothing against vegetarianism. Nor do I have anything against veganism. Militant veganism; however, is another story for another time. I am not sure if whilst embracing vegetarianism he also thought he might embrace some other isms... but for whatever the reason, he decided to eat at the One World Cafe. Here is his properly scathing review.

"okay, I have returned. And I think that restaurant is the embodiment of liberalism. And it fails. The selection was extremely poor, the food bland. They guilt tripped me into paying more for the food than it was worth (so that they can afford to feed the poor), And I left hungry. I stopped off at this incredible gourmet bakery, just so I could feel full. The bakery, probably embodies conservatism. The selection was huge, the prices were low, I bought way more than I can eat, and am now so full of whip cream that I am sick."


Tracy said…
You are so funny. I have never heard of One World Cafe... but I don't think I will ever try it out.
Casey said…
Let me just add a few more things about this. The whole thing about One World Cafe is that you pay what you want. They don't have prices on their food, and if you don't want to pay, you don't have to. They make sure, of course, to fill the place with signs about world hunger, and how everyone deserves to eat, etc. So it is kind of like socialized food.
It is often argued that socialized medicine would lead to a reduction in quality. If this little experiment in socialized food is any indication, that argument is absolutely correct.
The Rage said…
What? I don't have anything against the lettuce-soy-tofu eaters of the world. I mean, have at it cuz heaven knows I'm not wanderin' down that path anytime soon. But even the name of the restaurant is dumb. Why not One Universe Cafe? I'm sure there are plenty of aliens heavily offended right now and rightly so.
Karen said…
I consider myself a veggie-carnitarian. I am against eating animals that eat other animals, but I am all for eating animals that live off of plants. Cows=tasty, Cats=Gross, Pigs=Mmmmmm (especially since pigs=bacon), Tigers=No Way, Chickens=Fryable goodness, Hyenas=Yuck-o, and so on and so forth.

I hope we can still be friends. I know my high-maintenance diet may make dining together a chore, but I am committed to making the world a better place and am determined to stick to my convictions.