Kardeslerim Season 1 Recap: Characters The Incidentals

Now, I know a lot of you will be annoyed by my calling them incidentals, but really, these characters are side characters and no amount of fan love can change that (except for Berk, shame, I think they're rolling him into a love interest...). If you don't have a last name, you are a side character and I don't want to know about your tragic family past or your hopes and dreams. You serve to move the plot along for the main characters... don't forget it!
Berk The Jerk
Okay, he's LESS of a side character than some other characters by benefit of being Doruk's best friend and little follower. Berk's a certified sociopath but he doesn't let that get in the way of him having a great time bouncing around the halls of Ataman College and getting involved in things that aren't his business. He had a crush on Melisa but as soon as he discovered how boring she was, he transferred his pseudo affection to Aybike. I say pseudo, because as a sociopath, Berk is only capable of mimicking human behavior. He is incapable of feelings which is one of the reasons why he shows his affection by harassing, putting Aybike's father in the hospital, attempting to break up Doruk and Asiye, as well as laughing when Tolga sets Asiye up to have an unfortunate encounter with men who think she's a prostitute. Berk is the actual worst, and anyone who says differently has not been watching the same show I have.
Tik-Tok Ayse
Yeah, girl is vanilla and they forced her on us with the Omer "meet cute" but she's added very little value as his girlfriend. I guess she's fine at handing water to people, and teasing Ogulcan for about 3 minutes one episode, but other than that her acting and her plot lines are a bit of a yawn. Rumor has it this actress has a large TikTok following and the show runners were hoping that would appease the younger fanbase, but no one seemed to care. She won't be in the second season so don't get attached, but since this is a season one recap, I thought I'd put her in here for good measure as she was Tolga's ex, therefore the reason for bringing that whole plot upon us!
Creeper Selim
Look, Selim, for me, is the second biggest disappointment of this show, because he had the potential to be more than just a jealousy vehicle bringing Doruk and Asiye closer together. I also hoped that Selim, Kadir, and Mazlum would have a three musketeers type childhood friendship which would make his feelings for Asiye more complicated. Nope. He's just a creepy older dude from the neighborhood who likes Asiye and happens to be her landlord's son/landlord. Once his feelings for Asiye are clear and she clearly rejects him (because, have you SEEN Doruk?) he agrees to sell the land where both Greater and Lesser Eren's live thus hastening an orphanage plot for season 2. Rumor has it Selim's storyline isn't over, but there is seriously nothing more for him to do here, so... *shrug*
Needs Therapy Tolga
I REALLY, but REALLY wanted to see the end of Tolga with the end of season one, but nope, he drops some critical info to Doruk in the last episode which means we'll be seeing even more of his psychotic self. Tolga's a few years older than the rest of the kids that go to school at Ataman College, but he's a troublemaker and hasn't finished school. He dated Ayse before either of them appeared on screen and her romance with Omer was the initial reason for his animosity to the Eren family... but frankly this character was just chaotic evil looking for a plan. Tolga is responsible for the "escort" plot that I hated, the Orhan shooting, which I hated, and Omer's visit to jail, which I also hated. Do you sense a theme? I really think the writers brought in Tolga to be TOTALLY evil so Berk could be less evil and therefore more palatable for romantic storylines and such... Either way. Not looking forward to all the havoc Tolga will be reaping in season 2
Talya Mean Girl 1
The very fact that Talya exists and that she has a fanbase and that I now have to write about her, annoys me. For the first several episodes (she wasn't in the first episode at all... maybe not in the 2nd?) she just hung out with Harika doing Harika things. She helped steal Asiye's clothes, she openly mocks the Eren family's poverty, she helps cover Asiye in lipstick, she encourages Harika to put Asiye in her place and is privy to the whole test stealing nonsense. Somewhere along the way, though, apparently she acquired fans (what is wrong with you people?) and the writers gave her a romance storyline with Kadir's best friend Mazlum. I wouldn't care about the storyline in most circumstances but the fact that they cut the TalMaz scenes in with the AsDor scenes garners my complete hatred. If I could just skip through everything involving Talya, I wouldn't be mad about it.
 Susie Mean Girl 2
Susie is my favorite of the mean girls. That doesn't mean I want to know more about her backstory or have her dating one of the main characters (I'm looking at you crazy SusKad kids!) but her airhead personality is a nice change to the cold calculating evil of most of these school kids. Susie is famous for being kind of the dumb one of the mean/popular kid friend group. She had a crush on Kadir and basically got sucked into the KadMel drama when Kadir dated her to avoid hurting Omer who liked Melisa at the time. Omer stopped liking Melisa because he realized that she wasn't a terribly well rounded character, but then Kadir was still stuck with Susie for a hot second. When that ended, she was understandably upset, but she didn't do much for the last half of the season. 
Mazlum Don't Date This Man
Mazlum is Kadir's best friend who had a fiance, his own house, and enough money to lend Kadir at the beginning of this show... but apparently lost it all to work as a barista at Ataman College and date Talya of all people. If ever there was a hastily thrown together character that they just don't know what to do with, it is this guy. I don't know if I expect more or less out of him, but my expectations aren't being fulfilled either way. 
