Ask-I Memnu Episode One "The Graveyard Proposal Episode"

Well, well, well, here we go again with some GREAT news. I decided that along with the live shows I review, I'll also review one classic Dizi that I've never seen. The lucky winner this time around is Ask-I Memnu, which though the promotional materials look a lot like Twilight, has very little to do with vampires. It does have to do with creepy old dudes creeping on young ladies, so I suppose it has that in common with Twilight. Ask-I Memnu has a whopping 79 episodes and aired from 2008-2010 making this Dizi roughly 13 years old. 

From the first episode I gathered that this this story is about 3 (or 4?) families and how their lives intersect into a CRAP LOAD of love triangles. JUST WAIT! I don't know where to start... so I THINK I'll start with this love triangle.
Say hello do Adnan, Firdevs, and Bihter. Adnan is old (rich?) and likes to hang out in the graveyard where his wife is buried. Firdevs is old, scheming, and likes to inadvertently murder her husband through her infidelity. Bihter is Firdevs daughter which makes her sad. She also likes to hang out in the graveyard and visit her recently departed father who died because of infidelity. Bihter SWEARS that she will never forgive her mother who is on the lookout for a rich husband and Adnan is in Firdev's sights. At the end of the episode we see Adnan propose to Bihter in the graveyard which is appropriate because he has ONE foot in the grave. At this point I don't know if Bihter really cares for the old dude, or if she just wants revenge on her mom. Either way, I do not approve of their relationship... nope. The thought of her kissing him grosses me out and that is kind of my litmus test for whether I approve of fictitious relationships.
If you thought that was the end of the love triangle for these folks, OH NO! Sit back and get a glass of something cold because let me now introduce you to Madamoselle Deniz. I still am unclear as to whether she was some sort of nanny, music teacher, or discreet live in mistress for Adnan but whatever her role, she is in love with Adnan (I think) and the first to realize that he might be after Bihter. She's gonna cause problems, I can feel it.
Now lets meet Belul, Peyker, and Nihat. Belul is Adnan's nephew and the type of devil-may-care douchebag that wears unnecessary scarves and borrows money from his teenaged niece. He's a real piece of work but the ladies apparently love him. Peyker used to date Belul but he broke up with her six months ago and in that time she consoled herself and got pregnant by Nihat. Nihat has pretty green eyes and doesn't deserve the fresh hell that is going to await him by marrying into this family. (Did I mention the whole episode it about Nihat and Peyker's wedding?) Ferdevs already bribed him to get Peyker to sign a prenup so he does know what he's getting into. As for Belul and Peyker... I don't know how serious it was since Belul jumped out of bed with a model to make it to the wedding. I'm going to assume he just doesn't like the fact that she moved on. 
This is a kind of boring love triangle consisting of Nihal (Adnan's daughter), Besir, and Cemile, who are both servants in the house. Besir is WAY too old for Nihal, but I suppose what with the "main couple" they aren't concerned about that sort of thing. Nihal has no idea what is going on and doesn't seem to like him, so maybe it isn't a triangle so much as Cemile-->Besir-->Nihal. Just a line of people who like people who don't like them back. Haven't we all been there, folks? 
BUT WAIT.... Just when you thought you'd seen all the love triangles, may I present a rather creepy love rhombus? Do these people who are mid make out look familiar? Yeah, as far as I know Bihter gets married to his UNCLE (who her MOM kind of liked) ... and her SISTER is still kinda sorta in love with Belul? None of this has happened yet, of course, but I know it DOES happen because they reference it on Gunesi Berklerkin when Zeynep realizes she is in love with Kerem. Such a classic episode. Neyse... Happy Watching, until we meet again! 
