Lost Is Over
I don't like Lost. Most of you know this. I only keep up to ridicule those I love about their bizarre obsession with the show. I don't have issues with the fantasy of the thing. I've been known to get into the odd sci fi series or two... but I do take issue with cheap writing. I like to tease Lost fans about how the 'writers' (term used LOOSELY... trust me) have strung them along for an epically silly let down finale.
Seriously? All you need is love? THAT is the big take away? What a joke. And EVERYONE gets to heaven? Despite the fact that who have a group of murderers, thieves, adulterers, the list goes on and on, all seven deadlies are covered. But enough about that.
I normally wouldn't waste a precious post on Lost except for since the finale I have been having the most vivid dreams about how the show SHOULD have ended. Last night I had my fourth Lost Finale dream and thought I should share. This latest version included David Boreanez (that is right, of Angel and Buffy fame) having a tender goodbye scene with Kate. Apparently he'd been on the Island the whole time and now that they'd escaped back to real real life (not fake real life, like on the Actual Lost Finale) he had to go "take care of some things". Imagine he said this as cryptically as possible. To be fair to their dream acting, it was pretty stellar. Much better than the strange AND out of character/not properly built up goodbye scene between Kate and Jack during the Actual Lost Finale or ALF as it will henceforth be known. He then goes to some secret society that features robes, chanting, tribal tattoos. Here we discover that Sawyer, Jack, and Locke (real Locke, not Jacob's Nemesis Locke) are trapped on the Island and forced to fight each other Mortal Combat style. Weird Robed Society, Mr. Boreanez in particular, are controlling them and the island. Sadly, before any of the carefully set up conflict had resolved itself I woke up.
This dream joins the dream where everyone worked on the Island and it was a vacation resort a la that summer Saved By The Bell Season where people worked at a country club. The Island wasn't evil at all and everyone had really fun jobs. Kate and her parents ran a bed and breakfast. I believe Sawyer was a tour guide. It also joins the dream where Hurley was evil and had a secret base of operations where he controlled the evil Island. You had to get there via secret swimming pool entrance, and somehow Locke was trapped in a Volcano with Miles. I know. I am a vivid dreamer. But I am confident that ANY of my dreams would have been more plausible and better set up than the ALF.