As regular readers of CPR know, I lose my keys often. They also know that stewedslacker, my relative, recently got engaged to be married. How are these concepts linked and why do they matter?* Well, I know it will come as a great shock, but I have never had a high degree of faith in relationships. Particularly ones instigated by members of the Sweat family. The Sweat men seem to disregard logic and rush headlong into whatever emotional pursuits are on hand, while the lone voice of reason--that would be me in this narrative--exercises caution to the point of paranoia to avoid emotions on any level. Neither of these approaches have proved successful, if you measure success in terms of eternal happiness. So when stewedslacker announced that he was getting hitched, I thought to myself "Here we go again".
I have approached the affair with skepticism and outright sarcasm at different points while torn between a desire to be supportive and a need to speak my mind. Now, of all strange occurances, I find acceptance. Yes, acceptance. Close your gaping jaws, and listen. A wise(ish) man, creator of Simsism once told me that I needed to have faith that stewedslacker would make good decisions. (This was a novel concept as stewedslacker was dating Yoko at the time, and I think we all remember how fun that was.) Yet, I have always doubted. Well, a few days ago at 24hourfitness (shameless plug) stewedslacker gave me the metaphorical key to acceptance.
Simply, he said he missed Malu, and that being away from someone you love is like missing your keys. It is as though your keys are lost and they are always in the back of your mind. And you spend your time living, but you always wonder about where they are, and would really like them with you. Now, as I said before, I lose my keys A LOT. I know this feeling very well. I know what it feels like to see your keys staring up at your from the couch cushions or pocket or floor where they have been hiding. I still believe that even though life will be difficult for anyone making big committments; life will especially be difficult for stewed slacker and Malu, as they have lots of difficulties that the average every day couple will not encounter. But I have come to accept that if someone feels that special 'missing key way' the only thing to do is take the risk. So, stewedslacker, best of luck. I will help how I can.
*Thank you Pacmis computer system for shutting down yet again, and making my work day into one long internet fest.
I usually get frustrated when I lose my keys, so its nice to have another take on losing them.