The Most Disgusting Gum in the Entire World
And the winner is Orbit: Positively Pomegranate. Thank heaven this gum is limited edition because it is disgusting. I have been doing some searching on the internet and SADLY witnessed that this gum has a small cult following. I am not against pomegranates. I enjoy the fact that they are difficult to eat and that they stain your clothing...this gum does not taste like pomegranate. This gum also does not have the consistency of actual gum. A few minutes of chewing and it actually begins to melt in your mouth and has all the thrill of chewing fiber glass. Then, let us touch on the smell. I made the mistake of opening a piece in my office and four hours STILL smelt of the stuff. I invite those who are bold enough to try a bit, and let me know if your experience was as horrible as mine. I will stick with Sweet Mint, thank you very much.