Okay, I feel I have to start with the disclaimer *I don't hate Yaman*. I do that because the fan girlies are getting all sorts of in their feels if you say you happen to prefer Ates and Feraye as the main couple (even though Ilhan Sen, who plays Ates, is cast as the main lead, was the first cast, is first billed in the series, has a greater following and more popularity... but neyse) people seem to lose their collective minds. So here is a list of things I LIKE about Yaman which will help you all sleep better at night if you happen to be in the FerYam camp.
1-He has a nice relationship with his younger brother. In his family he seems to be the classic overlooked middle kid.
2-He seems like a cheerful person up for fun and adventure.
3-He's good looking, never underestimate looks in how I respond to dizi leads. I can forgive an attractive man for doing A LOT of wrong in dizis.
4-He genuinely loves Feraye and desires a future with her.
Now with those pleasantries out of the way. MY GOODNESS is Yaman exhausting as a human being. Really, like the dumbest person ever to dumb in diziland (and that is saying something! I've watched so many stupid dizi men). I'm team AtFer all the way. I dislike foolish dizi men who are always falling into the most obvious traps. Also, Ates' personality, the capable/quiet type is more appealing to me as a human being. Exhibit A: my husband. That being said, I was keeping my options open as I started Safir last week and I reserve the right to switch ships at any time because I can and this isn't all that serious. But on to the MAIN reason why Ates Gulsoy reigns supreme in the Battle of the Brothers.
How to Deal with a Thirsty Girl: 101
Every dizi promises the thirsty (oftentimes riddled with mental illness) girl who is trying to get the attention of the menfolk because apparently eligible Turkish men are a scarce resource and these women be out here going to war. On the record... I will always prefer a triangle where two men (preferably brothers or best friends, perhaps relatives raised as brothers! just for the additional heartache) are after the same girl then when women like the same men. Watching women go insane with jealousy doesn't really do a lot for me. But in this case we have Bade and Aylena.
I don't know... she looks kind of cute for Yaman. Hate me FerYam girls!
Bade likes Ates because her dad and Omer Gulsoy have been plotting a marriage. Whether she has genuine interest in him or just likes that he's the head of a wealthy family and therefore a catch... tbd. Aylena has what can only be called an UNHEALTHY obsession with Yaman. She claims she's loved him since she was a girl and presumably she grew up in the household and knows him well. Heck, she's even creeped on him while he was showering and claimed she'll die if she's away from him... if that doesn't spell unhealthy dizi darling, I don't know what does.
The brothers diverge by how they deal with these women that seem to want them and show it in embarrassingly obvious ways. Ates is cold. And I mean COLD, cold. He negs her by refusing to eat her food, NOT EVEN THE GLUTEN FREE BROWNIE! He won't compliment her or even look her in the eye. He also makes it clear that he has a long term relationship (albeit fictional at this point) that he wants to take to the next level. In other words, in a kind of douchey way I'll admit, he refuses to give her hope. Ates knows he doesn't want to be in a relationship with her, so he makes it clear that he doesn't find her pandering personality appealing and he won't be getting with her just because her dad and his grandpa think its a great idea.
Contrast Ates setting his boundaries with Bade to how Yaman treats Aylena. And yes, he IS aware that Aylena has a crush on him. When Yaman and Okan return home (pre murder) they have a discussion which clearly indicates Yaman is very aware that Aylena has feelings for him, but to be fair I'm assuming he didn't know that she and her mother were actually bat shit crazy, but this is a Turkish dizi so... At any rate his reactions to Aylena are flirting. He compliments her pjs, he takes candy from her while gazing into here eyes. He gives her hope. He plays with her. In one breath he's telling Cemile that he will marry Feraye and in the next he's flirting with her step sister. This boy is unserious.
So friends, and frenemies. Ates Gulsoy is the type of man who wouldn't give hope where hope shouldn't be given. He is the type to pull you from a fire and stay in the hospital all night. He's out here protecting reputations. AtFer forever, or at least until Ates falls for some stupid nonsense and I decide I like Yaman more. The REAL test will be when Mama Gulsoy finds out that Ates plans to marry Feraye. Will he choose his mother or Feraye? We already know that Yaman chose family over love... what will Ates choose? Until next time, Happy Watching. May your dizis never be cancelled and the ships you love sail into forever.