AND... You're Back, Shocker.

One thing I find annoying is the very public, and sometimes irrationally personal, facebook kiss-off. You know what I am talking about. When someone makes the I'm Leaving Facebook Forever Status. Generally, but not always followed by the personal details of just why the leaving is happening. I want to make an important distinction. I am not referring to 'taking a break' from facebook, because who doesn't need a break every once in a while? No, I am talking about the Ugly, Wretched, and Awkward goodbye accompanied by a speech about how it all went wrong, and an assertion, no, A PROMISE, that this is goodbye forever.

And then, in a few months, there is the slinking back. I've often wondered about this. Facebook is a time suck, I get it. And facebook CAN exacerbate unnecessary drama if you perpetuate drama, but I like to live by the philosophy of not saying anything you have to take back. Why come back? If facebook was really so awful, why not leave it at that?
