Public Enemy No. 1: Family Window Decals
Frankly speaking, I don't care how many people are in your family. And I don't care about Snickerdoodle, the family dog. I am also not interested in your hobbies. In the spirit of pure mischievousness, the Beardocrat once suggested we get the Apple Logo and the Hewlett-Packer Logo to respectively show the divisions within our own little union. Happily, he was only joking. I don't know who started this annoying trend, but I will welcome the day that it stops.
And what about the urinating Calvin decals?
And, finally, what about "No Soliciting" signs?
So much to think about.
J.F- The family name, no. Deus e Amor or the spanish equivalent, yes.
Carolina: I have only seen a few and thought... hm, that will be awkward when the divorce comes.
Urinating Calvin: Has always been and will always be classless.
No Soliciting Signs: a good idea in Theory, a pointless idea in practice. I lived in a place that had a permanent no soliciting sign. People still solicited.
I am with you Picnic, I HATE the decals. Although, once I saw a very funny take on the family ones. There were the stick figure Dad, Mom, and Kids, except the mom had a huge red X on top of her, presumably resulting from a divorce. I thought about getting one for Steve. And Calvin is not classless..., just mischievous.